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Group 1

Irreversible Climate Change in East Asia


Prof. Seung-Ki Min

Pohang University of Science and Technology

2006 - Ph.D. Meteorology, University of Bonn, Germany
1997 - M.S. Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul Nat'l. Univ., Korea 
1995 - B.S. Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul Nat'l. Univ., Korea 


Prof. Sang-Wook Yeh

Hanyang University

2001 - Ph.D. Seoul Nat'l. Univ., Korea 
1994 - M.S. Seoul Nat'l. Univ., Korea 
1992 - B.S. Seoul Nat'l. Univ., Korea


Prof. Seok-Woo Son

Seoul National University

2005 - Ph.D. Meteorology, Penn State University, PA, USA
2001 - M.S. Earth and Environmental Sciences,
Seoul Nat'l. Univ. Korea
1999 - B.S. Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul Nat'l. Univ., Korea 

Group 2

Mechanisms of Tipping Point and Its Predictability


Prof. Soon-Il An

Yonsei University, Director

1996 - Ph.D. Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul Nat'l. Univ., Korea 
1991 - M.S. Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul Nat'l. Univ., Korea 
1989 - B.S. Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul Nat'l. Univ., Korea 


Prof. Rokjin J. Park

Seoul National University

1991 - Ph.D. Atmospheric Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
1995 - B.S. Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul Nat'l. Univ., Korea


Prof. Jinho Ahn

Seoul National University

2005 - Ph.D. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, USA
1999 - M.S. Geological Sciences, Seoul Nat'l. Univ., Korea 
1995 - B.S. Geological Sciences, Seoul Nat'l. Univ., Korea


Prof. Jong-Seong Kug

Pohang University of Science and Technology

2003 - Ph.D. Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul Nat'l. Univ. Korea
2000 - M.S. Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul Nat'l. Univ., Korea 
1998 - B.S. Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul Nat'l. Univ., Korea

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